I just want to share with you about a special talks on Burma at University of Maryland - College Park, where I work. Those of you who live in the area can join and take part in discussion. It is open to the public, though mainly students from the School of Public Policy will attend.
Come join if you have time.
Saw Kapi
Subject : Beyond the Classroom presents "
When : Tuesday, February 16, 2010 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Where : 1103 BioScience Research Building
Event Type(s) : Seminar

How do we understand the possibilities for promoting change in Burma today?
Burma is ruled by a military-led government that refused to recognize the landslide electoral victory of the National League for Democracy in 1990. Aung San Suu Kyi, who led Burma's pro-democracy movement and received the Noble Peace Prize for her efforts, has been detained by the government for 14 of the last 20 years. In 2007, Buddhist monks led nonviolent demonstrations, known as the "Saffron Revolution," to protest the government's policies that led to a military crackdown. What are key insiders trying to do to promote political reform in Burma? What is the international community doing to support human rights and change in Burma? With new parliamentary elections expected to be held later this year, what steps are necessary to ensure that meaningful political change occurs in Burma? Ian Holliday is Dean of Social Sciences and Professor of Political Science at The University of Hong Kong.
Website: www.BeyondtheClassroom.umd.edu
For more information, contact:
Dr. James V. Riker
Beyond the Classroom Living & Learning Program
+1 301 314 6622